LIVING SIMPLY=SIMPLE TOILET....for me meant using less water in everyday life, and saving money too. For about 6 years I used the bucket toilet you see on the far left.....and that worked okay in a crunch, but I finally decided last year to buy or make a compost tiolet. After a month of researching I had settled on the urine diverting Biolet toilet- link to tinyhouse info: BUT when I went to buy it I decided it might be too much a dent in my budget...900-$1900 depending on style. I had used a Sun- Mar toilet in the past both hooked up to power (yes it was not smelly! fan worked great) and off grid without even a fan(very smelly). It was too big a model for my little 5ft bathroom.... After a little looking on the internet I came up with the model I built above. And its cost: $200.00. Heres the details..... - CURVED: I thought a curved design would be more comfortable than a square on(see below) - RECYCLED WOOD: Using 3/4 old growth Fir that was going to be thrown out (from old closet doors) I made this comfortable alternative. -WOOD LID: The lid is from Ace hardware and worked out great. matches the fir and is very comfortable. -REMOVAL OF WASTE: On the side it has a door to open to reach the small bucket lined with biodegradable bags from local coop. -URINE DIVERTER**: I bought the kendrik urine diverter for about $50 ( See below LEFT and notes on its better potential alternative...)and ran it straight down from 'nipple' and through under house to the outside for collection(wards off predators) or into hole with charcoal in ground (AWAY FROM HOUSE!!!- because tis smelly. - 12v FAN: I bought a inline fan from a local marine store for about 30$. I did test it and it works great! especially in the daytime when its warmest. A small 40watt panel and charge controller. it is vented out back of tiolet in a 2inch pipe to outside (cap to keep out critters). KENDRIK DIVERTER** - What I have but back hole a bit too small (on left)
SO When all said and done,
I really liked my homemade compost toilet. It was cheaper, pretty easy to make and it matches my 1800's 'cowboy tub' which I restored last year. When fan is running its completely odorless and the urine is moved outside. A great improvement on the bucket method. If I would do it over I would only change the urine diverter to a bigger back hole one. And I might add a second compost tumbler. Remember, its more work and your closer to your poo, but it saves over 6500 gallons of water per year!!!! Happy pooping!!
AuthorHi! I am an artist and a carpenter living in the woods of Washington! This is my off grid story. Archives
December 2024
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belong solely to the artist. Copyright 2008-2023, Loralin Toney |