Having fun in the studio with crystals! Seemed so odd to make them in porcelain, but maybe its a natural addition. A comfortable flow to insert them into the scenes with plants and their underworlds.
It all began with beautiful dreams of crystals. I was in caverns filled with rare gems and crystals that were huge....I remember thinking lucidly that there was enough wealth and riches for me.... and to share endlessly with others!!! Very cool dreams. They suggested to me symbols of value and wealth. Of what we think of in how to use our perceived wealth: how to think past survival and lack.
Recently I was using crystals to decorate my studio. That led to thoughts of how I could incorporate them into my artwork.
The geode sculptures are small, 3-6 inches. Emerging from the rock forms are tiny wildflowers, pansies, forget me nots and such. Silk velvet imitates moss, that slippery soft brilliant green can't be imitated from nature. Their forms helps one remember those moments on a trail in April when moss seems to pop with life and color. These brilliant mosses are everywhere in Washington.
This little series of four (one is lingering on the worktable) is a celebration of the natural world as an ideal. A composition of delicate elements in perfect harmony.
PHOTOGRAPHY( above) by Jeremy Buben
All photos and images on www.loralin.com belong solely to the artist. Copyright 2008-2024, Loralin Toney