Forest Spirits
Why would a woman in midlife sculpt fairies? And why would anyone yearn to see
mythical creatures like these elusive figures? Is it a midlife crisis, hormones, or perhaps a delusionary aspect of hysterical womankind? lol
For me it was a journey into imagination as creation. I yearned to see little beings in my reality
to make life less mundane. With so many people around me seemingly depressed, stagnant and unimaginative.
And lets not forget the societal news, pressed to us as an absurd litany of bad things.
What would beings in the unseen worlds be like?
Did I manifest seeing fairies? Well... I did but not at all like I had thought it would be.
While focusing on this subject for over a year on a daily basis I had great personal results. In general I seem to draw a really amazing
energy to my life of whimsy, trickery and all the things -as an archeotype -that fae represent. I did see amazing orbs in my camera when I repeatedly took photos with fae in mind. However, though I have friends that can see such beings in a physical sense,
I did not 'see' them the same way.
I also remembered during this time, that as a little girl I would play in the forest with little beings. I remember those antics being suppressed by society, family and just general lack of support of the children's wild imagination into creation.
As adults we can do so much more to express our souls journey and our wonderful personal selves.
If your not afraid, you can go into all kinds of imaginary directions
Why would a woman in midlife sculpt fairies? And why would anyone yearn to see
mythical creatures like these elusive figures? Is it a midlife crisis, hormones, or perhaps a delusionary aspect of hysterical womankind? lol
For me it was a journey into imagination as creation. I yearned to see little beings in my reality
to make life less mundane. With so many people around me seemingly depressed, stagnant and unimaginative.
And lets not forget the societal news, pressed to us as an absurd litany of bad things.
What would beings in the unseen worlds be like?
Did I manifest seeing fairies? Well... I did but not at all like I had thought it would be.
While focusing on this subject for over a year on a daily basis I had great personal results. In general I seem to draw a really amazing
energy to my life of whimsy, trickery and all the things -as an archeotype -that fae represent. I did see amazing orbs in my camera when I repeatedly took photos with fae in mind. However, though I have friends that can see such beings in a physical sense,
I did not 'see' them the same way.
I also remembered during this time, that as a little girl I would play in the forest with little beings. I remember those antics being suppressed by society, family and just general lack of support of the children's wild imagination into creation.
As adults we can do so much more to express our souls journey and our wonderful personal selves.
If your not afraid, you can go into all kinds of imaginary directions